New Year's Resolutions 2012

Now we have another baby, David Ezra--born just a couple weeks ago. Two boys. Oh my!
I feel the need to ponder again the qualities I most want to develop for the upcoming year and so I return here to my blog to try to revive my New Year's tradition.
I cannot quite come up with the name of the quality I feel I need the most...
It is something like "can-do-ness"
Perhaps I am trying to verbalize a complex cluster of qualities that are at the heart of what is means to be a mother...
What I feel I need is much more than just determination or perseverance...
It is something lighter and more open than these... a radiance and joyfulness powerful enough to penetrate through the haze of sleep deprivation...
It is more than magnanimity because it is powered by such an outpouring of love that there is nothing to forgive
It is transcendence and a powerful state of calm when the baby is crying while the toddler is kicking and squalling...
It is sparkling and alive with creativity and resourcefulness and generative of good humor capable of carrying us over the contrariness and the "no, no, no"s and the wrangling power struggles
It is faith and contentment and gratitude for the multiplying blessings and for the toughness of the challenge
It is discipline, vision, energy, foresight and organizational skills that enable the pursuit of other vocations alongside the rigors of mothering
It is uncomplaining
It is motherhood Level II... may I please be granted capacity to cope with grace!
How thoughtful, beautiful, inspiring and joyous ... I loved each word! You are so blessed with your two little angels … how I wished that we lived down the road so that we could come over and look after/play with the boys while the wonderful mum catches up on her sleep! You already have the faith, contentment and gratitude … the calmness and energy, radiance and creativity will spring from this foundation! Have indomitable faith in you and can’t wait for Layla-Björt and Arían to meet Johnny and David! Love from us all. j
This is simply a beautiful blog. I know you are very busy but check in as often as you can. We can already see the evolution of a beautiful life, where the theoretical has now started to be lived. It is very important to try to capture the things that are too difficult to express, the nuances that make you feel like you would simply vanish if you said them out loud, because they are too deep, too precious. One is conscious of the gifts, and of how much we depend on the Mercy of God to protect our treasure.
Write, because it is needed. The world needs to remember how to love for real. You have a sweet gift(writing skill). I am grateful for your having received it.
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