from bristol to brighton
dear clea, my high school best friend, came to pick me up at oxford and take me to her home in a lovely little village outside bristol.
in her dear sentimental way she showed me a little gift that i had given her when we were young gals --"A friend is someone who likes you."
we had such fun catching up and the next morning was a perfect sunny day for a walk through the cotswolds. could NOT have been a more perfect outing.
just what i longed for-- a brisk and refreshing hike out in the fresh air and stunning scenery.
little stimpy accompanied us and supplied a continously fresh stream of delightful antics.
we walked up to the Tyndale Monument built in memory of William Tyndale who was burned at the stake in 1536 for the heresy of translating the Bible into English.
Next stop on my itinerary was a visit to my other dear dear friends sham, joa, arian and layla in brighton.
then off to china where i am sitting right now in beijing airport waiting for my plane to lanzhou.
then off to china where i am sitting right now in beijing airport waiting for my plane to lanzhou.
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