Indian Idol--Abhijeet Sawant

i have a tremendous appetite for new music especially as I am spending so much time alone recently. I feel that as soon as I am listening to music that I enjoy my mood and energy picks up. It is hard to keep my appetite sated with fresh sounds however. the last couple of days I have been hooked on Pieters Imeem player. This has been giving me a taste of "the East"--near East that is. One song in this collection that I have been enjoying is called Junoon by Abhijeet Sawant so I decided to look it up and see if I could find out more about the artist. It turns out he was a winner of Indian Idol. Indian Idol!??? Another American cultural export I guess. Not only is there Indian Idol there is also Singapore Idol and when all the various "idols" in the region come together for a competition there is the Asian Idol. Well apparently Abhijeet Sawant did not manage to win the Asian Idol competition but I have enjoyed his song Junoon. You can listen on Pieter's blog or you can watch the video here:
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